There is so much I want to question and share about this topic, but for now I merely want to go back to a book review I already posted on this blog. Robert Marzano is one of the most respected experts on instruction, assessment, and grading practices. Check out these direct quotes from his book.
Marzano's Thoughts:
p.30 (top):
“In fact, research indicates that the score a student receives on a test is
more dependent on who scores the test and how they score it than it is on what
the student knows and understands.”
p.99 (middle): “In fact, measurement theorists tell us that a student’s true score on a given test is unobservable directly.”
p.105 Quoting Brookhart (2004):“…in a perfect world there would be no need for the kind of grades we use in school today…[but] grades are not going to disappear from schools anytime soon” (p. 4 – from Brookhart’s book).
p.122 (bottom): “However, regardless of the scheme the district or school uses, it should realize that an overall letter grade is an artificial construct because the cutoff points for the various grades are arbitrary.”
“I believe that the biggest changes will occur when overall grades are not the
The final section of the book is bold to take on the larger “sacred
cows” of education, such as grade level progression and the requirements of
minimum competence to advance through the system. I believe Marzano is right on
in his conclusion that these elements present major obstacles to quality
learning and student mastery, and I also agree that there is a much greater
need for specific and timely feedback within the system. My concern is whether
his approach involving standards-based grading, rubrics and power laws deliver
either the effectiveness or efficiency that he says it will.
Why do so many educators clearly see a better vision for kids
outside of our current system, but then resort to offering little tweaks here
and there? They know an overhaul is necessary for the benefit of children, but
almost always draw back due to fear of the logistical barriers within the
I wonder if having no grades at all wouldn’t accomplish all the
same effects that Marzano hopes to see with exponentially better results. The funny thing is, based on the last quote above, Marzano seems to feel the same way.
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