Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Incomparable Christ - More Great Quotes

I could not fit all the excellent quotes from J. Oswald Sanders' classic work, The Incomparable Christ in just one post so here are more thought-provoking statements. 

  • "Anyone can sing in the sunshine, but to sing in the shadows is a rare accomplishment" (181).
  • "We are apt to advance pressure of business as a reason for not praying. With Jesus, it was a reason for giving extra time to prayer" (194).
  • "He drank a cup of wrath without mercy, that we might drink a cup of mercy without wrath" (204).
  • "Never were legal proceedings more irregular or verdict more unjust than in the trial of Jesus" (209).
  • "The death of our Lord was unlike every other death. It was not an incident in His life, but the very purpose of it. His self-oblation was no accident in a brilliant career, it was the chosen vocation of the God-man" (226).

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Incomparable Christ - Great Quotes

I just finished J. Oswald Sanders' classic work, The Incomparable Christ (originally titled Christ Incomparable). It turned out to be a great devotional read, focused entirely on the Person and work of Jesus. My next few posts will include reflections on material from this book.

Today, I am sharing some great stand-alone quotes from the book. It appears that there are many great books in the series of Moody Classics. You might want to check them out.

  • [It is our task]..."to examine the glorious colors that emanate from the prism of His holy person and redemptive work" (24).
  • "If He is not God, He is not even good" (95).
  • "Christ never concealed the cross to gain a disciple...The emphasis of our day is rather on what one gains by becoming a Christian. Jesus never failed to emphasize the cost of following Him" (124).
  • "It should not be borne in mind, however, that Jesus' perfection of character did not consist in merely negative faultlessness. Throughout His whole life He was characterized by positive and active holiness" (140).
  • "Not until Jesus came with His peerless life and matchless teaching was humility elevated to the level of a primary virtue" (174).
  • "One fact stands out crystal clear - God's way up is down" (179 - on becoming humble).