A place to explore thoughts about reforming education, the church, and myself to see how much greater I can make the world for the next generation to God's glory.
In case anyone wonders if this topic is still timely, here is one of the featured videos on the MSN website for today, August 4, 2012. Enough said!
You can't even make this stuff up. Watch this clip about the "randomness and nastiness of evolution" (their words, not mine) if you want and ask yourself, Does this sound like science or science fiction? By the way, the second video on the site is "Humans vs. Aliens." I have to give it to them. If they can't be scientific, then at least be entertaining. I guess that's what Morgan Freeman's voice is for. Maybe it is their attempt to add scientific credibility to their position. You know, because famous Hollywood movie stars do that.
The third video is just as fun. I wish I could have been in the room while Morgan Freeman was recording it so I could occasionally interrupt and ask, "Could you say that last sentence out loud again?"
The following link is an article that launched a series I presented at my local church at the time (almost 8 years ago). It lays out a four-fold argument in favor of Darwinian evolution. What interests me about this article is that the points the author uses are rather easy to refute by merely setting out a few facts with only a small amount of research, which could be done by just about anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Besides the interesting selection of points, this article is also entertaining because of the "artistic" description of the theory of evolution. The sentences below offer one example.
"Evolutionary theory, though, is a bit different. It's such a dangerously
wonderful and far-reaching view of life that some people find it unacceptable,
despite the vast body of supporting evidence."
Dangerously wonderful?Despite the vast body of supporting evidence? Students need to be trained to read critically and recognize the bias of authors, teachers, etc. If you read the article, then you will find many other not-so-subtle jabs that paint critics of evolution as religious nuts or ignorant fools with covert brush strokes. This is a common tactic of people that lack substance in their position on the real issue.
What makes a scientific theory "dangerously wonderful" anyway?